Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
* Eugene V. Boontseff <eug...@home.wdc.spb.ru>:
Dear colleagues,

kindly looking for your assistence in the following matter.
To cut off the spamers, I intended to use pcre:table.

WOuldn't it be easier to use an RBL instead?

smtpd_client_restrictions =
       check_client_access pcre:/usr/local/etc/postfix/exper,
<cut off>

eug...@mail [/usr/local/etc/postfix]# cat exper

              554 5.7.1 Dynamic sender $1, please, use SMTP server of
your provider
/pppoe/                 REJECT pppoe    # It's for debugging

eug...@mail [/usr/local/etc/postfix]# postmap -fq
"<ppp92-100-127-177.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru[]" pcre:exper
554 5.7.1 Dynamic sender
<ppp92-100-127-177.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru[], please, use
SMTP server of your provider

so the postmap shows that the first line is working

Nope. Postfix hands down the IP and it hands down the hostname IF the
hostname resolves back and forth.

Yes, I know.
eug...@home [/home/eugene]> telnet some.mail.host 25
Trying aa.bbb.ccc.dd...
Connected to some.mail.host.
Escape character is '^]'.
554 5.7.1 <ppp92-100-127-177.pppoe.avangarddsl.ru[]>:
Client host rejected: pppoe

the debuging rule is working instead the of first one.

Why does the postfix ignore the first rule?

I'd think the regexp is wrong
Why this regexp is "wrong" for postfix, but isn't wrong  for postmap?

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