On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 11:27:18AM -0500, Dennis Putnam wrote:

> I am running Postfix/Cyrus

I assume you mean Cyrus IMAP...

> on the same server that contains user home directories.

With the local(8) transport delegating delivery via mailbox_transport.

> The forwarding mechanism (.forward) is, of course, working
> and I understand it.

This assumes "system users" who have passwd file entries, and so by
definition have home directories.

> What I don't understand is how this mechanism works, or even if it does,
> when a user's home directory is on a different server than Postfix/Cyrus.

A system user's home directory is never "on a different server", NFS, AFS
and the like don't matter in this context, the home directory is still
locally accessible.

Perhaps you are looking to integrate Cyrus IMAP with virtual users.

> In other words when Postfix/Cyrus does not have access to the user's
> home directory. Or is there some other delivery mechanism involved that
> I am missing?

You can change the forward_path setting to create .forward files for users
(each owned by the user in question, or local(8) will not trust it), in
a location different from the user's home directory.


If the users don't have passwd file entries, then forwarding needs to be
managed via aliases(5) or better yet virtual(5).


You can deliver to Cyrus IMAP via LMTP, after rewriting recipient
addresses in virtual(5) into a domain that is routed to a suitable


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