Brian Mathis put forth on 11/27/2009 7:49 AM:

> I'm sure others can help with the HA setup, but I must say that you
> should not be building a server (especially an HA one!) based on any
> Fedora distro.  Fedora is Redhat's testbed where they use very beta
> software and is also mainly targeted for dekstop users.  It is
> absolutely inappropriate for a server setup.  Please look at CentOS
> for a server-grade Linux distro that is Redhat-based and suitable for
> running a server on.

Or better yet, go with Debian Stable or FreeBSD.  Both are better server
choices than CentOS, IMHO, unless you're an RPM freak.  Aptitude and
Ports are both better package management systems than the RPM model,
especially aptitude, especially WRT dependency resolution.


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