On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:35:02AM -0800, Emmett Culley wrote:

> It seems like understanding where the "delay=86457"
> and "delays=86457/0/0.36/0.18" come from would probably help me to
> understand the 24 delay.

Not really. The message took 1 day to enter the active queue, not
surprising, since pickup seems to have it a day late. Did your system
clock get changed (by a day or so) while Postfix was running?

The pickup(8) daemon scans the maildrop queue every 60 seconds by default,
and on-demand when postdrop(1) sends a "wakeup trigger" after creating
a new message.

If you have SE-Linux, AppArmor, ... they could block postdrop from
accessing the pickup service socket. Also file/directory permissions
could be wrong, or your clock erratic.


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