On 12/4/2009 3:32 PM, S Lastname wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I have a mail server running postfix. the server has man different ip's 
> associated with it, and many domains pointing at it. As Im sure you all know, 
> when the server gets a connection request, it responds with a greeting 
> message. something along the lines of "220 cattlejobs.com ESMTP". I would 
> like to have each greeting message sent have the domain name (in this case 
> cattlejobs.com ) be tailored to match which ever IP the client is connecting 
> to. Up until now, I have just been adding more lines to my 
> /etc/postfix/master.cf file as shown below:
> Can anyone suggest a different way to acheive this, or a work around to this 
> problem?

Don't do this as nothing out there looks for it.

You should set myhostname to the machine name and leave it as that.
SMTP protocol requires "220 <machine-name>", with an optional ESMTP
added to show extra function.
I know of no software or protocol that actually cares what the machine
name is.

You really don't gain anything but headaches trying what you mentioned.

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