Zitat von Javier Henderson <jav...@kjsl.org>:

On Dec 7, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Noel Jones wrote:

On 12/7/2009 1:07 PM, Javier Henderson wrote:

I am trying to configure Postfix to gracefully deal with the failure of the LDAP server it uses for alias resolution.

It's working fine, using the LDAP server to resolve u...@domain.com to u...@somehost.domain.com, but if the LDAP server dies or becomes unreachable for whatever reason, Postfix replies with 5xx error codes about the user being invalid.

Postfix always replies with a 4xx code when a lookup table is unavailable or returns an error.

If your postfix is responding with 550, it's because your LDAP server is lying to postfix that a lookup key doesn't exist rather than reporting an error. That's broken behavior by the LDAP server, not postfix.

Well, when I was testing, I had stopped the LDAP server, so it was not returning anything to Postfix. I probably have something else misconfigured on Postfix. I will have a look. Thanks!

The only time i can remember of something like that was when LDAP was used with nsswitch.conf as user/group lookup with broken libc.



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