On Mon, 07 Dec 2009, osm...@oc.quimefa.cu wrote:

>   Hi I am trying to make postfix to relay all mail except for the ones
>   going to a specific domain. For example I want to be able to make
>   postfix relay all mail except for domain .ca I was wondering if
>   something like this is possible or if there is anything like this:
>   transport_maps.cf *.* 10.25.x.x !test !test.cu 10.25.x.x I don't
>   know if this is actually functional in postfix. in this case I would
>   like to have a transport for all mail except the ones with the
>   destination domain.ca. In other words I don't know if I have to use
>   domain_transport or transport_maps but I would like to specify an
>   exception in postfix transports. If anybody can help me on this, I
>   would really appreciate it. thanks in advance.

Your question is unclear to me, but I *guess* you are looking for
sometihng like:

*               transport:foo.bar.org
domain.ca       :

If that does not meet your needs, ask your question again using clear
examples and more detail.  Also be sure to read:

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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