On 12/15/2009 4:03 PM, Walter Breno wrote:
> Thanks for the answers, i'm testing the implementation of a modest
> server, i have only 15xx accounts near 2000, it's only one domain, i
> have a centralized OpenLDAP server where my mail authenticates, i'm
> using cyrus-sasl, using submission port to send emails and 25 port to
> receveive mail, set smtpd_client_restrictions to require that server
> sending mail to my users to have reverse address on dns server, and on
> submssion port require sasl authentications between others
> restrictions to improve some security and minimize SPAM, my problem
> starts when i set header_checks to hold messages for clamav scan, so
> my mail server stop to send messages, i'll modify the regexp to hold
> only incoming mesages that doesn't go to my own users.
> Later i'll search about amavisd-new.
> Thanks again and i accept all sugestions

What we are trying to say is that "Holding for scan" using the Hold
queue is not supported.
The supported methods are milters and pre/post-queue filters

amavisd-new is an example that can fit into all 3 categories with the
post-queue as the most popular.
amavisd-milter is a separate project that continues the work of the
amavis milter which is part of amavisd-new
clamav-milter is an example of a milter for antivirus only.
milter-spamd is an example of a milter for SpamAssassin scanning only.

These are only examples. Most milters work with Postfix, but always test
before deploying.

IMO, The "best way" on a low volume site is to use milter interface to
allow rejects at SMTP end-of-data time.

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