Wendigo Thompson:
> Hello:
>   I maintain a database of e-mail messages for my law firm client -- I
> wrote an application that inserts e-mail messages into a database and
> then used an alias to pipe e-mail to that application, and the clients
> e-mail server forwards all mail for certain litigants to that e-mail
> address.  Nominally this works great, but I've noticed an odd issue:
> some messages get queued and are never released.  I'd like to force
> postfix to redeliver these messages (I've tried postsuper and
> postsuper -r ALL with no luck) -- does anybody have any pointers?
> It's 2.4.3 on Mac OS X Server 10.5.

Beware, I don't have a Mac, and Apple has made some changes to
Postfix so I may have to refer you to the vendor if this does not
work out on the mailing list.

> Sample mailq entries (one has been stuck since August, the other since Monday:
> F423E1976D72   444129 Fri Aug  1 15:23:30  MAILER-DAEMON

This message has no recipients, and should have been removed from
the queue long ago.

Please report results of the following shell command (as root): 

    find /var/spool/postfix -name F423E1976D72 -ls

(instead of /var/spool/postfix, specify the name where Apple 
stores the Postfix queue. That is the output of the command:

    postconf queue_directory


> 001F224CE9559*    3080 Wed Jan  6 14:51:58  MAILER-DAEMON
>                                          msgrece...@

This message is in the active queue. Do you have any qmgr processes
running? If not, then nothing will happen with this mail. Apple
has added an automatic shutdown feature to Postfix that may get in
the way of progress.

Do you have any mail logfile information for this message? If
there is none, then that is also a problem that needs to be solved
before we can find out why these messages are not moving.


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