On 01/22/2010 07:58 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Majordomo is a Perl script, so you can debug it with all the standard
> Perl debugging features.
> This discussion is no longer appropriate for the Postfix mailing
> list, so this is my last post.

Thanks for the help.  What you've told me has been very helpful to
getting this debugged.
FWIW, I finally, even before this interact, just removed the mdomo
packages and reinstalled them. 

Because, who knows?  Maybe I'm overlooking something.

It didn't help.  I tried to run mail directly through majordomo, as you
also pointed out, and it seems to function.  That was weird.

FWIW...my hard earned experience has taught me that packages aren't the
be all of everything, like mana from heaven.  There are a
lot things I've had to install be hand to get rid of bugs in packages. 
This isn't intended to get into a flame war on packages, I'm just stating
my experience.  What do you do when packages don't work?  You roll up
your sleeves, do a lot of reading, comb though source code,
and if your lucky, someone smarter than you, someone like yourself, can
give you a moment of their free time and point you in the right

And for that, I'm grateful and thank you for your time!


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