On 1/25/2010 7:56 AM, Jelle de Jong wrote:
Does somebody know the differences between using SSL over port 465 and
TLS over port 25 in the settings for the Debian icedove MUA? (I want
to make postfix use port 465 for its smtp auth mailrelaying)

There's some overlap of terms here -- it's understandable to be confused.

First, SSL vs. TLS can refer to the encryption standard. SSL is the name first used for https: web encryption. As the protocol matured and became a standard, it was renamed to TLS.

Secondly, SSL vs. TLS can refer to *when* the encryption takes place. The older SSL was commonly (at first, only) used as a "wrapper"; the encrypted tunnel was established before any other communication took place, and the communications were wrapped in the encryption protocol. Newer TLS allows a standard connection to be made, then request an encrypted tunnel be created. This allows both encrypted and non-encrypted traffic to co-exist on the same port.

With email, SSL usually refers to wrapper mode SSL over port 465 -- negotiate the encrypted connection before sending any data. This was never a standard protocol, and has been deprecated for many years. And even though it's called SSL it commonly uses the newer TLS encryption.

So most mail clients expect wrapper mode when you click the "SSL" box, but will have a separate "TLS" or "encrypt this connection" box to enable standard STARTTLS support. It doesn't help that everyone seems to call it something different.

Some older mail programs only support wrapper mode SSL, so the postfix smtpd server can receive mail from such clients with the "-o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes" option in master.cf on a dedicated port, commonly 465. The postfix default master.cf includes a commented-out entry for this.

The postfix smtp client does not support sending mail using the deprecated wrapper mode. If postfix must send mail to an antique server that only supports wrapper mode, you can use stunnel to create a wrapper. An example is in the documentation:

TLS over port 25 or 587 establishes a normal SMTP connection and then issues the STARTTLS command (usually as the first command sent) to establish encryption. This is fully supported by postfix, and by virtually all other modern mail software. And even though it's called TLS, clients are still allowed to use older SSL encryption.
Documentation here:  http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html

  -- Noel Jones

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