Stan Hoeppner put forth on 1/31/2010 12:04 AM:
> Sorry for top posting.  Forgot to add something earlier:  Proxymap seems to be
> exiting on my system immediately after servicing requests.  It does not seem 
> to
> be obeying $max_use or $max_idle which are both set to 100.  It did this even
> before I added cidr lists to proxymap a few hours ago.  Before that, afaik, it
> was only being called for local alias verification, and it exited immediately 
> in
> that case as well.

Making a little more progress on this, slowly.  I'd forgotten that I have a
regexp table that's rather large, containing 1626 expressions.

I added it to proxymap, and this action dropped the size of my smtpd processes
dramatically, by about a factor of 5.  Apparently, even though this regexp table
has only 1626 lines, it requires far more memory than my big 'countries' cidr
table which has 11148 lines.

14411 postfix   20   0 20276  16m 1480 S    8  4.3   0:00.51 proxymap
14410 postfix   20   0  6704 3368 2208 S    0  0.9   0:00.04 smtpd

This is making good progress.  Seeing the smtpd's memory footprint drop so
dramatically is fantastic.  However, I'm still curious as to why proxymap
doesn't appear to be honoring $max_idle or $max_use.  Maybe my understanding of
$max_use is not correct?  It's currently set to 100, the default.  Watching top
while sending a test message through, I see proxymap launch but then exit within
5 seconds, while smtpd honors max_idle.  Is there some other setting I need to
change to keep proxymap around longer?


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