Ralph Blach wrote:
Thanks, I discovered this and I personally consider this a bug. In these days, users names need to be mixed case for security reasons. If I have a domain name I could just run through a list of well known names, and then fill it up with mail.

I created mixed case user names for the same reason that one should have mixed case passwords.

IMHO,  at least, which is worth very little

Not referring to your last sentence, actually your opinion is wrong. User names do not increase any security if they are mixed case. They only mix up things. I'd rather not have any upper case in a user name, and that's the policy for my users. Firstly: There is no need to have any security about the user names. The secret belongs into the password. Second: Chances are, that files have to be transferred to a platform that does not distinguish upper and lower case, and then your three users
User, usEr, USER are all the same, one, user.
Third: The usual location of eventual web sites would be .../~User, .../~usEr, .../~USER. That is anything but robust. Actually, it won't work.

Hands off! -> Make all user names lower case.


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