I just installed postfix 2.7.0.
WIthout changes to the existing configuration of 2.6.5 I get this error
using procmail as my mailbox_command:
Feb 19 18:34:29 adrianvb postfix/local[14290]: BD85F7006D: 
to=<adr...@adrianvb.xs4all.nl>, orig_to=<root>, relay=local, delay=0.03, 
delays=0.02/0/0/0.01, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (Command died with status 126: 
"/usr/bin/procmail". Command output: /usr/bin/procmail: /usr/bin/procmail: 
cannot execute binary file )
Anyone any ideas???


        Adrian P. van Bloois
Postbus 2575                 email:   adr...@accu.uu.nl
3500 GN  Utrecht             voice:   +31-30-68-94649
The Netherlands              fax:     ++31-30-68-94601

The whole point of cooking is to get as much flavour out of the
ingredients as possible.
        -- Delia SMith

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