On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:
> It "slips past" because there are no rules to block it.
> You can add "postmas...@your_domain   REJECT" to this list if you want.

I am assuming I would add this to 'sender_access', correct?

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:31 AM, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:
> Often people have an exclusion to pass email to postmaster no matter what.
> Check you sender_access and helo_checks for such an exclusion.
> Mine looks like this:
> /^postmas...@kreme.com$/ 550 Don't Spoof as my postmaster
> /^postmas...@example.com$/ 550 Don't Spoof as my postmaster
> /^postmas...@example.net$/ 550 Don't Spoof as my postmaster
> /^postmaster\@/ OK

LuKreme suggested the above which is different from your suggestion
above. I guess I am just not sure which works or do they simply do the
same thing. I don't know if the above example from LuKreme is for
'sender_access' or another type of file. Do you care to add to this
for my understanding?

> No glaring errors, although you might want to remove
> reject_unknown_recipient_domain as the only thing it's likely to block is
> your own domain.

Thanks. I will try this. You're the 1st to suggest this so far. Thanks.

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