* Wietse Venema <postfix-users@postfix.org>:
> Stefan Foerster:
> > Now, "feature request" is actually not the right word - it's more an
> > idea, and probably somebody just needs to tell me it's a bad one.
> > 
> > With the postscreen_dnsbl_sites setting, each site administrator can
> > configure a list of DNS blacklists that new SMTP connections will be
> > checked against (excluding whitelisted hosts). The actual lookups are
> > done by dnsblog(8), and the result ist logged by postscreen(8) similar
> > to this:
> > 
> > postfix/postscreen[3074]: DNSBL rank 3 for
> > 
> > Would it be a good idea to extend the existing funcionality in a way
> > that allows the postmaster to add a "score" for each blacklist and
> > have postscreen(8) drop the connection only if a certain minimum score
> > is reached (and it is configured to drop connections not passing the
> > DNSBL test, of course)? Something like:
> > 
> > postscreen_dnsbl_sites = bl-a.example.com:2
> >    bl-b.example.com:1
> >    bl-c.example.com:2
> > postscreen_dnsbl_score_threshold = 3
> > 
> > (it's probably better to use a hash: or other indexed table to
> > configure those scores)
> > 
> > This is similar to what some policy server, e.g. policyd-weight, do -
> > with the added benefit that a connection would never reach a real
> > smtpd(8) if the score is exceeded.
> > 
> > Does that sound like a somewhat reasonable idea, or more like b/s?
> I think that a design (the stage before code is written) should
> consider how scoring would play with the other tests that postscreen
> implements, and how it would play with things that I intend to add
> such as light-weight greylisting.
> We can model postscreen-like programs in several ways. In all cases
> the program subjects each SMTP client to a number of tests (permanent
> white/blacklist, RBL lookup, pregreet, greylist, other).

How about a postscreen API to external logic somewhere along the concept of
smtpd policy services?

I recall the flood of anti spam feature requests for smtpd and I can see it
coming back for postscreen.

People might even be able to implement bandwidth throttling where Postfix
provides the data and an external 'postscreen policy' daemon controls firewall


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