On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 1:35 PM, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
>> My only problem with Mailman is that I can't have two lists with
>> the same 'mailbox' (the part before the @) in different virtual
>> domains (i.e. supp...@company.com and supp...@anothercompany.com),
>> and this is mandatory in my setup.
> There are dozens of workarounds for this limitation.
> First, why does the list name itself matter? What matters is that
> actual email addresses are aliased to the list commands. Example
> virtual(5) mapping:
> supp...@example.com     example.com_supp...@localhost
> supp...@example.net     example.net_supp...@localhost
> supp...@example.org     example.org_supp...@localhost

I know I can use this kind of workaround, but it doesn't seem much
'professional', as the real address/name is shown in the web interface
and messages.

Also, I want to ease the management for the users and every time
someone creates a list I'll need to create a dozen of aliases for it,
it isn't practical.

Maybe I could do it with a regexp mapping, but... I think you got it.
It seems that I'm using a screwdriver to hammer a nail.

> And other mappings as needed for the various Mailman commands. In
> this example, the outside senders see and use the right support@
> addresses, and only the help desk people see the real list names
> of "domain.tld_support".
> Second, this is trivially solved with multiple instances. You could
> have config_directory as subdirectories of /etc/postfix/ such as
> /etc/postfix/example.com, and do likewise for the queue_ and
> data_directory for each instance.
>    http://www.postfix.org/MULTI_INSTANCE_README.html

Yeah, I know I could do that aswell, but I'll have a lot of domains in
these servers. Seems better then the first suggestion, but a another
list manager seems even better (BTW: as far as I could see, Sympa is a
lot better!)

Another thing that bugs me, is that the Mailman's Brazilian Portuguese
translation is SCARY. If I'd stick with Mailman I'd like to spend some
time improving it.

> I don't know about other MLMs, but I am sure you can solve your
> problem with some Postfixation.

Thanks anyway for your suggestions ;)

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