Stan Hoeppner wrote, On 04/15/2010 05:16 PM:
CT put forth on 4/15/2010 4:43 PM:
I have several boxes that "check" my relay every 40 seconds to
check that the server is up.

After multiple attempts to get the number of checks reduced I would
like the know the preferred way to block specific IP addresses in Postfix.

I have no issue with checks.. but every 40 seconds is ridiculous.

To accomplish the task in Postfix, blocking only SMTP connections from those
IP addresses:

edit: /etc/postfix/

smtpd_[client/recipient]_restrictions =
        check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/blacklist

# [client/recipient] selection depends on whether you use the "everything
under smtpd_recipient_restrictions" style layout.

create: /etc/postfix/blacklist

...         REJECT         REJECT         REJECT

/$ postmap /etc/postfix/blacklist
/$ postfix reload

Simply eh?
I had ran across your suggestion in my searches but figured I would
ask to be sure I was heading down the right path...

These IP's are on my trusted subnets but I *wasn't* sure of was that if I did create the blacklist if I also have to create a whitelist for my "trusted subnets"
Looks like I don't..

and yes very simple.. I like simple.. since there are only
a handful of "top pollers"
and ..Exactly what I was looking for..

Syntax follow up question... <tab> REJECT
or <tab><tab> REJECT


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