On 05/05/2010 04:19 PM, Alexander Erameh wrote:
> * Alexander Erameh<alexander_era...@hotmail.com>:
>> Is there any reason why Postfix doesn't read .forward files set up in users
>> Mail folders, even after modifying main.cf to include the forward_path
>> option.
> Yes. If postfix/local is not involved, the files will be ignored.
>> Do I have to disable /etc/postfix/virtual which was hitherto handling
>> forwarding?
> Hard to tell, without logs or postconf -n output.
> Pardon me please, but I am new to POSTFIX, just a few months in fact.
> Could you please explain how to involve postfix/local?
> Alexander
local(8) is a mail delivery agent (MDA).
It is the default MDA for postfix for local mailboxes, but you can use 
whichever MDA you want.
However, if local(8) isn't used as the local delivery agent, postfix is 
not involved in .forward processing.
Run "postconf local_transport" to see what your current MDA is.

I have changed the local delivery agent to local(8) and set the forward_path in 
main.cf to /var/forward/$user/.forward, but my .forward files are still not 
being processed. Is there any other thing I need to do?


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