Hi There,

We have been discussing in-house our methods to monitor the postfix queue on
our client Auth-SMTP servers (x2, one is used for our web servers to send
mail via PHP, this is Auth as well). At the moment we are using OpsView
(Nagios) to monitor the queue size and alert us if/when it gets reached,
along with this we check mailgraph logs daily.

But I was wondering if there is any sort of real-time monitor, something
that might check the queue and the logs on an on-going basis and send alerts
based on certain conditions being met?


Rate of mail from client x rises above threshhold, check number of errors in
sending this mail, alert
Rate of mail in queue FROM a email address rises above threshhold,

I might not be explaining it in the correct way... but i think people would
get the idea of what we were thinking about?

Specifically want to catch web form spamming etc...


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