On 10-05-26 09:03 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
brian put forth on 5/26/2010 1:53 PM:

FWIW, aside from aliases for the usual postmaster, abuse, and webmaster
addresses, this domain has just 2 actual addresses to be maintained. So,
might a whitelist approach be the way to go? Or, is this something i
should leave to iptables/fail2ban?

Care to share some of the spammer IP address info?  Is this botnet traffic or
snowshoe?  If snowshoe, I might be able to provide you with a complete list of
netblocks to blacklist, solving your problem with a simple edit or two.

Here you go:


I dunno about snowshoe. That was the first I'd seen the term. But it looks like it could be, as I understand it. I'm really not knowledgable enough to say.



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