Am 22.06.2010 11:48, schrieb nunatarsuaq:
> I didnt' mention that but there's an extra interface in this system
> connected to the local network.
> When smtp_bind_address is set to the public IP and I'm trying to send
> something from LAN I get the log message:
> Jun 22 11:44:32 server emaster_postfix/smtp[6940]: D6AC76802D:
> to=<>, relay=[]:10024,
> delay=0.12, delays=0.12/0/0/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (lost
> connection with[] while receiving the initial
> server greeting)
> smtp_bind_address doesn't accept two IPs, local and public.
> Is there any other solution?

i am sure this can be fixed, but for now you send
to less info about your setup, what are you trying to goal
with running 2 instances of postfix?

> 2010/6/22 Robert Schetterer <>:
>> Am 22.06.2010 10:40, schrieb nunatarsuaq:
>>> I'm using chroot environments as a form of virtualization of two mail 
>>> systems.
>>> The main system has a basic ethernet interface eth0 with IP0 and two
>>> aliases: eth0:1 and eth0:2 with IP1 and IP2.
>>> Each chrooted system is running its own postfix with IPx configured in
>>> /etc/postfix/
>>> The problem shows up when postfix sends a message. Although it's
>>> configured to use either IP1 or IP2, the receiving server sees it as
>>> IP0.
>>> IP0 is not resolved as a valid domain address, hence many servers
>>> reject my mail.
>>> The question is probably more about setting up Linux to use aliases
>>> instead of basic IP0.
>>> Any suggestions?
>> use smtp_bind_address=
>> to bind outgoing mail to an ip
>> --
>> Best Regards
>> MfG Robert Schetterer
>> Germany/Munich/Bavaria

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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