On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:40:30PM -0400, Phil Howard wrote:

> >> How would I do this for smtpd_recipient_restrictions?
> >
> >
> > That question makes no sense. ?Rephrase.
> I was looking for a general solution.  I picked an example.  But I
> apparently picked a bad example because the solution seems to be
> example specific.  I guess I better not pick examples, anymore.
> How do I get contents inserted into the main.cf file from another
> file, IN GENERAL, without having to rebuild main.cf and do a reload
> every time?

To update the main.cf file, update the main.cf file. Its contents
are cached, so to effect changes in parameters used by long-running
services, you must reload. Most Postfix services (i.e. delivery
agents and inet services) restart automatically after processing
a ~100 requests, and reloads are not generally needed for parameters
that touch these services.

The only dynamic component of Postfix configuration is lookup tables,
for rewriting, and domain lists, ...


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