My original post was regarding postfix. But you and others who seemed more interested in taking it off topic to squelch the request for to publish an SPF record.

I oblige the challenge and then you all start complain about thread being off topic. Well it wouldn't be off topic if you all wouldn't have taken it off topic.

So now, how about it. How about an SPF record for the domain, from which posting to this mail list come.

Anyone opposed to the domain publishing an SPF record?

From: "Sahil Tandon" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 9:12 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: SPF

On Sun, 2010-07-04 at 21:08:58 -0700, wrote:

[blah blah blah]

It is simply becoming unnecessary to accept email from domains which
do not publish an SPF record to let receiving domains know the systems
that are authorized to transfer email for them.  And doing so cuts
into spam significantly.

Please stop.  This is not the appropriate forum for SPF evangelism.  Do
you have a Postfix question?  If not, please DO NOT reply to this email
or continue this thread.  This is a technical mailing list ABOUT
POSTFIX. Thank you.

Sahil Tandon <>

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