On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 16:10, Josh Cason <joc...@mychoice.cc> wrote:
> I have now went through my config so I will post it if needed. What I'm
> facing now is spam that looks normal. Looks like a reject but is not in some
> cases. The problem is that since these e-mails are delivered to the user
> account. I really don't have an example to post from the q. I use postini,
> mailscanner, that uses clamav and spamassasian. That does a good job but I
> still get spam through. Even on top of using outlook 2003 / 2007 spam
> filter. The current small batch of say 5 messages looked like rejects. Sure
> I can look at the header and see what server they are comming from. In fact
> some of the messages are from postmaster at whatever server. But it does not
> matter. This spam slips through and I'm told about it. I cannot tell them to
> black list the address since it keeps changing. I think I need a better spam
> filter or to change some settings. But how do you kill mail that looks
> normal?

Are these so normal that they don't even look alike?  I can't imagine
humans writing decent message content on spammer scales, so they must
have some better AI these days (probably using the same anti-spam
filters to train their own spam generators).

sHiFt HaPpEnS!

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