On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 09:58 CEST,
     "Körner, Uwe" <uwe.koer...@t-systems.ch> wrote:

> i'm runing a postfix server as gateway on a local network just for
> routing between different backends and the DMZ systems. I have to
> delete some special lines in the mail body (auto-generated by a
> backend) for a sms gateway. its pretty easy doing this global using
> the body_checks option, but how can i do this just for the defined
> sms gateway domain?

How does messages from the SMS gateway enter your Postfix system? If
they can enter via a different SMTP listener (different IP address
and/or port) you can set up an additional cleanup(8) service that uses
other body_checks expressions.

Magnus Bäck

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