On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:34:11PM +0200, mouss wrote:

> if the exchange box wants j...@example.com, you can add
> smtp_generic_maops entries to rewrite the address back:
> j...@exchange.example.com     j...@example.com
> (This only works if the transport to exchange is "smtp", as the prefix
> of smtp_generic_maps suggests!).

More precisely, it only works if the delivery agent is smtp(8), the
transport name can be "smtp", "relay", "my-exchange-transport", ...
anything that uses the smtp(8) delivery agent.

> This approach is better than per user transports, because transport_maps
> imply performance overhead

Per-user transport lookups are OK per-se, but typically these imply
accessing a remote directory (SQL, LDAP, ...), and it is use of
remote data sources for transport lookups (not whether the lookup
key is a user or a domain) that is often not a good idea.


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