On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 09:46:26PM +0200, Marco Rebsamen wrote:

> > > search_base = DC=hive, DC=loc
> > > query_filter = proxyAddresses=smtp:*...@unimatrix0.ch
> > > result_attribute = proxyAddresses
> > 
> > What is that pesky "*" doing in your query filter!!!
> It's a damn wildcard! I thought I would need it because when I tried
> to find the right parameters for this LDAP request I could not find find
> anything until I used this star!

Get rid of it. With the "smtp:" prefix properly set to match the actual
data in Microsoft's AD, you no longer need the "*" and using it lowers
performance and creates backscatter when you accept invalid names that
are prefixes of valid names.

> > Why is "proxyAddresses" the right result attribute. I would use "mail".
> I don't know ?! Is it not ?! from where should I know that ?!

By understanding what you are doing... :-(

> Why do I need an email address as return anyway ?!

You need some non-empty attribute as a result, ideally a single-valued
one that keeps the result-set small. Using "mail" makes sense.


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