On 9/4/2010 12:53 AM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
* Seann<nombran...@tsukinokage.net>:
That is what I was figuring. Trying two different locations with the
CA file I was using broke, when according to the list's information
and my own reading it should work, turned out to require me to
validate the CA file I was using again. What the case was, is I
wasn't using OpenSSL to create the certs, as I have moved away from
maintaining an OpenSSL CA to using the Microsoft CA, I grabbed a
bundled cert, and it looks like it was split wrong. Downloading just
the CA file itself fixed the issue and everything works perfectly
On a sidenote: If you weren't using OpenSSL because its too clumsy on the
command line take a look at XCA<http://xca.sourceforge.net/>. It comes with a
GUI, runs on Windows and Linux (and other OSes) AND the certificate database
is portable between OSes.


Thanks for the tip on xca, it looks interesting. The main reason why I moved away from OpenSSL, was due to FreeRadius issues with my wireless infrastructure, and the Windows radius setup working better with better integration for more advanced AD based security.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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