On 06/01/11 20:06, IT geek 31 wrote:
> I am talking about the mail content, and I'm using S/MIME.
> Yes, I'm sure the accountant will never send me unencrypted mail.
> Thanks,
> On 6 January 2011 14:25, Ansgar Wiechers <li...@planetcobalt.net> wrote:
>> On 2011-01-06 IT geek 31 wrote:
>>> My accountant and I both have digital certificates and most of the
>>> time encrypt our mails.  But he often forgets, meaning sensitive
>>> information is sent in plaintext.
>>> Is there any way to instruct Postfix to reject his mail unless it is
>>> encrypted?

As soon as the unencrypted e-mail is sent by the accountant, your
sensitive information might already be sniffed, somewhere between the
MUA/MTA of your account and the MTA you control. You could use a setup
like this to teach your accountant better manners, but your information
is out on streets none the less.

Seems like you are solving the wrong problem here.


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