Am 19.01.2011 09:32, schrieb John Adams:
Am 19.01.2011 09:16, schrieb roby65:

Ok, the aliases thing is not possible for me and creates me a lots of
Can you link me to a tutorial for configuring sieve?


John Adams-19 wrote:

Am 18.01.2011 17:37, schrieb roby65:

Hi guys,
i finally made it in the intent of adding an autoresponder to my
server, and it works, creates problems with dovecot!

This is what i've done:
vacation unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vacation argv=/var/spool/vacation/ -f

transport: vacation

Here is the problem:
when i send a message to this account, i get the autoreply (this is ok)
the receiving account doesn't receive the mail i send (i think because
autoresponder plugin gets it and dovecot doesn't get the email).

How to fix it?

As I suggested yesterday. Use dovecot+sieve. All your problems will
vanish. It's really worth the "trouble".


I RTFM'ed this documentation:

making sieve work requires to patch the dovecot sources and re-compile.
It's all in the link above.
Then, setup a web mail that supports sieve scripts. I use Squirrelmail
with the sieve plugin. I think roundcube has also somewhere hidden
somebody who wrote a sieve supporting add-on. Horde/IMP do as well
support sieve in quite a user friendly way.
There is a thunderbird sieve extension. I found it to be a good start
but I could not expect normal users to write sieve scripts.


I forgot to say that I run dovecot 1.2.x, not 2.0.x. I don't know whether 2.0 still requires to be recompiled with sieve support.

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