Victor Duchovni <> wrote:

>Note, however, that stunnel will not by default verify peer
>certificates, so
>>additional configuration is required for that. Only stunnel's
>>level 3, where the remote peer certificate is locally installed in
>>local CAfile referenced in the stunnel.conf file actually verifies
>>you are reaching the right peer server.
>Stunnel has no support for peername verification via trusted
>CAs. Stunnel's verification level 2 just lulls unsuspecting users
>>a false sense of security. It just verifies the certificate trust
>>(essentially pointless), but not the peername. I tried to convince
>>author of stunnel that verification level 2 is broken, and should
>>modified, ... he was not interested.
>- --

Thank you for warning!
I will try to learn more about it.

At the moment am I  satisfied with fact, that the communication with
ISPs server is encrypted.  So my with SALS LOGIN/PLAIN send
name/passwd are +- safe.
Maybe I should at least use IP (not name) of my ISPs server in
stunnel conf, or add his name to my protected /etc/hosts.


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