On 6 mrt 2011, at 15:08, David Touzeau wrote:

>>> but it seems that postfix did not want to test the authentication
>>> method and pass it's rules trough subnet rules to finally refuse the
>>> connection with a "Client host rejected: Access denied"


> smtpd_delay_reject = no


Here, most likely. Ran into something very similar last week, and this was the 

I suspect that if you were to increase logging detail, you'd find that 
'permit_sasl_authenticated' evaluates to zero during the client restrictions 
stage because of a delay in getting back an answer from whatever SASL backend 
you have in use. Postfix evaluates the rest of the client restrictions, and 
denies you access.

Try setting 'smtpd_delay_reject' to yes, which is the default, and consolidate 
all your restrictions under 'smtpd_recipient_restrictions' instead.


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