put forth on 3/11/2011 4:03 AM:
> Zitat von Frank Bonnet <>:
>> On 03/11/2011 09:51 AM, Frank Bonnet wrote:

>> Thanks ! it works fine :-)

You're welcome Frank.

> Would be better with "relayhost = [relay-farm.your-domain.tld]", no?

Yes, I guess so.  That'll disable MX lookups, which obviously aren't
needed in this case.  This will save a little bandwidth, but more
importantly it will eliminate any possible latency effects associated
with remote DNS servers responding slowly to the MX requests, thus
improving throughput to the farm.

I've often wondered why MX lookups aren't disabled automatically when
setting relayhost=.  I'm sure this has been answered before, I just
can't recall.  I don't see an explanation in man 5 postconf.


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