On 3/14/2011 1:01 PM, Petre Bandac wrote:

sorry for continuing the post, but my problem is somehow related to the
solution you gave (which also was my first setup, but didn't work)

one single domain - x.ro - virtual users stored in mysql database

subdomain intern.x.ro goes to a LAN station (Lotus server) -

both x.ro&  intern.x.ro point to the same external ip address

1) initial setup

intern.c.ro is not listed in any mysql table

transport maps has the line

intern.c.ro     relay:[]

and I still get the relay denied error

Mar 14 19:31:11 mx postfix/smtpd[43289]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
mail.kgb.ro[]: 554 5.7.1<john....@intern.c.ro>:
Relay access denied; from=<pe...@kgb.ro>
to=<john....@intern.c.ro>  proto=ESMTP helo=<mail.kgb.ro>

I have played with several scenarios - listing intern.c.ro as backup
domain, listing the address in relay_recipient_maps, even with the
parent_domain_matches_subdomains set to null - all with the same result
- either relay denied or user unknown in virtual user table

what am I doing wrong ?!

Please don't top-post.

To verify postfix settings, use
  postconf -n
  postconf some_parameter_name

To verify postfix table contents, use
  postmap -q "key" maptype:mapname

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