Giovanni Mancuso put forth on 3/15/2011 10:59 AM:

> Therefore, the only solution is to use a miltet, right?

It's looking that way.

> Do you know a simple milter (write in perl or python) that i can use as
> example for develop my milter?

I do not.  You're apparently in uncharted territory.  It seems no one
else has done something like this.  That may be a clue that you should
reevaluate the methods you choose to achieve your goal.  IIRC, you never
stated your actual goal, only one method you wish to use to achieve it,
i.e. header_check + dnsbl lookup.  That's a method, not a goal.  If you
tell us the actual goal we may have another method that will allow you
to achieve it.  If you're simply trying to block spam, there are much
better and more widely used methods.


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