Am 22.03.2011 04:34, schrieb brian:
> I'm occasionally seeing file attachments being logged, like so:
> postfix/smtpd[14027]: read from B8F5EDA8 [B8F5F9BD] (1420 bytes => -1 
> postfix/smtpd[14027]: read from B8F5EDA8 [B8F5F9BD] (1420 bytes => 1420 
> (0x58C))

disable the debug mode!

> So, I think it may be spamassassin that's responsible. 

no - you see the process in the log-line postfix/smtpd

> Or could it be something I've done wrong in I
> don't want/need to see these filling up the logs.

yes, you enabled dubg/verbose logging

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