Am 23.03.2011 23:06, schrieb Jeroen van Aart:
> I am curious if postfix would be able to send out 300000 emails in one
> hour, to different recipients of course. Taking into account
> and other such performance
> tuning guides. This would only happen once a week or so. The important
> part is the need to send them all in one hour, more or less.
> This would be on a debian server with about 64 to 92 GB of memory, 8 or
> 16 CPUs and a really fast internet connection.
> Considering 300000 per hour equates to about 83 emails per second and
> given a reasonably fast server (over specced since I doubt CPU and RAM
> would be the bottleneck here) I would think one server could handle this.

I/O will be the bottleneck unless you do hefty filtering.

Network as well as local disk I/O.

Consider server-class SLC SSD if needed (and beware that flash memory
wears out over write operations), and be sure to keep a watch on the
NIC's send queues - don't let them run too long even under load if you
want to keep DNS latency down (which you should).  Check man tc, or the
Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control HOWTO.

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