> > I'm  wondering about the usefulness of smtp(d)_tls_CAfile(path) when using 

> >  opportunistic encryption in both incoming and outgoing connections. The 
> >  TLS_README suggests that certificate and key files be left empty for 
> >  opportunistic smtp processes, but it doesn't talk specifically about 
> >  smtp_tls_CAfile(path).
> For the SMTP server, you should NOT leave the cert  file empty, as many
> clients won't support aNULL ciphers.

Oops, sincere apologies.  I meant the docs suggest empty cert and key
for SMTP *client* only.  I was originally asking only about the client, then
changed my inquiry but forgot to change this.  Anyway, sorry.

> Rather, you need to  set a self-signed
> cert, if one of the usual CAs is not suitable.

Right.  Check.

> For  the SMTP server, since you probably won't ask for client certs, you
> never  need a CAfile or CApath.

OK, got it.

> For the SMTP client, indeed, generally, your key  and cert should be set
> empty. On the other hand, it is a good idea in most  cases to have a CAfile
> and/or CApath with a few trusted roots.
> > Am  I correct to infer that both smtp(d)_tls_CAfile settings only serve
> > a  purpose when you want to verify client/server certificates?
> > If that's  the case, why does the example at the bottom of TLS_README
> > use both the  CAfile settings with only opportunistic encryption?
> This reduces log  noise, and improves the audit trail.

Hmm, OK, not to imply these things are not important, but are these the
only reasons you'd have a CAfile or CApath?

> > Our system seems to work  without any CAfile/CApath settings under 
> > encryption both  incoming and outgoing. Is there a performance or security 
> > difference  between using them or not?
> You should probably throw in a few trusted  root CAs.

1) Is there a place to get a file with the usual suspects already in it?

2) Does postfix add new CAs to it when it sees a new one from a client?

3) Does it make much difference between CApath or CAfile?  I suppose
using CApath only makes sense if the answer to question 2 is "yes"?  (File
probably sufficient if it is static and not that big)

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