Hi List,

Iam having trouble trying to adding autoreply/autoresponder/outofoffice functionality to our setup.

It seems that the best option is to use "yaa". Other suggestions are welcome.

I have a postfix setup with virtual users in mysql, and found followed the guide on

Added to master.cf:
yaa     unix    -       n       n       -       -       pipe

And a VirtualTransport for my autosponder domain to "yaa:" in mysql as usual.
Configured yaa.conf properly. (i can link to pastebin if needed).

But i fear that yaa is no longer compatible with postfix 2.7?

As my testing shows the following log:

Apr 26 11:08:23 mail03 postfix/smtpd[25357]: connect from localhost[] Apr 26 11:08:40 mail03 postfix/smtpd[25357]: 4772F18C080: client=localhost[] Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 postfix/cleanup[25361]: 4772F18C080: message-id=<20110426090840.4772f18c...@mail03.tigermedia.eu> Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 postfix/qmgr[24596]: 4772F18C080: from=<pe...@tigermedia.dk>, size=374, nrcpt=2 (queue active) Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 postfix/virtual[25362]: 4772F18C080: to=<pe...@r12.dk>, relay=virtual, delay=12, delays=12/0.02/0/0.02, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir) Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: Warning: setting empty lookup query order for attribute 'rewrite_recipient'. Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: Warning: setting empty lookup query order for attribute 'rewrite_sender'. Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: 5352879: Processing new request, id 5352879 Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: 5352879: Warning: Your MTA does not provide Delivered-To header. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned. Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: 5352879: Warning: Your MTA violates RFC 822 by not adding Return-Path header in message. Yaa will have to rely on message headers which are very easy to fake. You've been warned. Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: 5352879: Message sender: pe...@tigermedia.dk, recipients:
Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 yaa.pl[25364]: 5352879: Processing complete.
Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 postfix/pipe[25363]: 4772F18C080: to=<pe...@autoresponder.dk>, orig_to=<pe...@r12.dk>, relay=yaa, delay=13, delays=12/0.02/0/0.23, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via yaa service)
Apr 26 11:08:47 mail03 postfix/qmgr[24596]: 4772F18C080: removed
Apr 26 11:08:48 mail03 postfix/smtpd[25357]: disconnect from localhost[]

My local fake domain is "autoresponder.dk" and testing with autoreply on pe...@r12.dk.

I see the two warnings, and fear that the warnings are the cause for no "recipients" in yaa?
Can i configure postfix to send the proper headers?

Peter Hansen

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