I've followed the recent advice as I'm also getting a lot of

* Noel Jones wrote :
> On 4/27/2011 6:17 AM, Troy Piggins wrote:
> >Hi there. I'm noticing lately most of the spam that gets through my
> >postgrey/postfix/amavis/spamassassin/procmail rules contains subject
> >lines that are extremely long strings with no spaces in them. eg:
> >
> >Subject:
> regexp and pcre compatible expression:
> /^Subject: +[^[:space:]]{60}/ REJECT no spaces

#grep "{40}/" header_checks
/^Subject: +[^[:space:]]{40}/  REJECT no spaces in subject

but I'm having a couple issues:

how can I handle 'foreign' characters like these ?

Apr 29 14:55:19 palm postfix/cleanup[19164]: 49E043F8: reject: header
from member.ksmecare.com[];
from=<care-bou...@member.ksmecare.com> to=<bs@xxx> proto=ESMTP
helo=<member.ksmecare.com>: 5.7.1 no spaces in subject

thanks for any suggestions


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