On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 01:56:00PM -0400, jason hirsh wrote:

> I have also tried running the server with the IPFW turned off and still 
> have the issue with some gmail and mindspring.com users

I would like to suggest that further posts in this threat are moot,
and should cease, unless and until jason is able to record TCP sessions
between Gmail (or another "problem" systems) and his server, and make
at least one such recordings available. Isolate a single session that
fails along the lines of:

        C: TCP SYN (one or more if server response is delayed)
        S: TCP SYN ACK  or TCP RST or silence
        C: TCP ACK
        S: SMTP 4XX banner or 5XX or timeout
        C: SMTP EHLO
        S: 4XX response or 5XX response or timeout

Save a binary packet capture not decoded packets:

        # tcpdump -s0 -w /some/file tcp port 25

then decode with "tcpdump -s0 -r /some/file" and find the source host/port
of the failed connection, isolate that with:

    # tcpdump -s0 -r /some/file -w /some/other-file tcp and \
        host <addr> and tcp port <port>

then make the final binary file containing just the failed session


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