On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 09:54:00AM +0200, Patrick Proniewski wrote:

> > You MUST remove the domain from the list of virtual alias
> > domains. Otherwise, addresses in this domain will not be deliverable
> > as-is.
> So, if I understand correctly, you are saying that I can have this:

Domains with real recipients (some, but not all of which may be aliases) 
MUST not be listed in virtual_alias_maps. This in no way precludes use
of virtual(5) aliases for some of the addresses in the domain.

In particular a domain can be listed in relay_domains, in which case
it MUST NOT be listed in virtual_alias_domains, and yet still have
some recipient forwarding configured via virtual_alias_maps.

> OR, I can have this (according to your first reply):
> main.cf:
>       virtual_alias_domains =
>           somehost.univ-lyon2.fr
>           otherhost.univ-lyon2.fr
>           univ-lyon2.fr

No. Instead:

        virtual_alias_domains =


>       virtual_alias_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix-mailgw/virtual_alias


> /usr/local/etc/postfix-mailgw/virtual_alias:
>       some-al...@univ-lyon2.fr        public-addr...@univ-lyon2.fr
>       public-addr...@univ-lyon2.fr    public-addr...@univ-lyon2.fr
>       ...



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