> Please see the postfix-install(1) script,

The fact that I need to peek into a script first in order to understand
the underlying mechanisms lets me believe that the documentation is
confusing enough to let anyone believe that install_root behaves like
a PREFIX in autoconf-generated Makefiles.

> To install certain Postfix files under
> '/usr/local', pass that prefix to the installation parameter. For more
> information, carefully review the install script.

Still does not explain why make install creates /usr/local/var/spool/postfix/
although main.cf points to /var/spool/postfix/ . If main.cf does not pick
up install_root, what's the purpose of it???

Does this sound right to anyone? Shouldn't main.cf conform to what
make install is doing?

One will understand that I'm quite indignant about this because I only
realised this mismatch after deciding to have a quick look through main.cf
before kicking postfix of as a SysV init script. What I found there was not in
line with my expectations from what I understood from the questions that
make install is asking.

> not moving to autoconf

A "make makefiles" does not sound right to me. One has to use make
to bootstrap make. Highly error-prone...

Suggestion: Leave the scripts as they are, just state in the documentation
that main.cf will not pick up install_root as prefix, rendering it useless.

- Winston


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