On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 09:01:43AM -0700, Brian Andrus wrote:

> I wanted to use one of the built-in variables for the user= portion of a 
> pipe in master.cf, but it seems postfix does not substitute it for that 
> part.

Correct, reasonable and not surprising. Only the "argv" list supports
variable interpolation.

> Is this the case? Is it possible to do something like:
> procmail  unix -        n       n       -       -       pipe
>   -o flags=RO user=${recipient} argv=/usr/bin/procmail -t -d 
> EXTENSION=${extension}

No. However, you can use "procmail" via local(8), in mailbox_command
or mailbox_command_maps, (or via .forward files). All of these do run
as the target user.

> In the end, I am just trying to get procmail to run as the user so I can 
> have individual .procmailrc files process their email rules.

Running code as the target user is local(8)'s job. You can have more
than one local(8) transport if your needs are sufficiently complex to
drive you in that direction (multiple groups of settings for aliases,
forward_path, ...)


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