On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 03:03:53PM -0400, Zhou, Yan wrote:

> Hi there, 
> I thought this is a Postfix setting.  Postfix 2.3.3.
> Say, my postfix server manages domain1 and domain2.  If I send a message
> to X@domain1 and Y@domain2.  Right now I get two separate messages (both
> identical), how can I get just one single message for ALL domains?

For mail others send, you can't. For mail you send, if it is important
(I would suggest not), configure the same transport:nexthop for both

        example.com     smtp:example.com
        example.net     smtp:example.net

Adjust as necessary if the destination is not remote, making sure in all
cases (including content filters) that the transport and nexthop are the
same for both domains.


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