
we are happily running several postfix installations accepting mails from external sources and distributing them internally. To avoid backscatter all internal destinations we don't have an LDAP connect for are checked using address verification.

Until recently we ran version 2.7.1 and did some statistics about the content of the verification database using "postmap -s ". We also occasionally updated the database (deleted a key) manually.

After upgrading to 2.8.4 this does not work anymore, because the verify daemon now holds the lock on the database.


        Cleanup: postscreen(8) and verify(8) daemons now lock their
        respective cache file exclusively upon open, to avoid massive
        cache corruption by unsupported sharing. Files: util/dict.h,
        util/dict_open.c, verify/verify.c, postscreen/postscreen.c.

I understand this is absolutely required for data integrity, but is there any workaround? We can deal with read-only requests by using a copy, and it looks like we could deal with the read-write requests by executing the postmap command and SIGHUPing the verify-daemon later. Is this a dangerous thing to do?


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