On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

On 9/20/2011 6:54 PM, Peter Blair wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Stan Hoeppner<s...@hardwarefreak.com>
>  On 9/19/2011 5:38 PM, john wrote:
> > > > I think this is off topic. > > > > I am running Ubuntu 11.04 as a SOHO server with > > postfix/dovecot/Amavis-new/Spamassassin/Clamav setup as my email > > service. > > > > Does anybody know of a program... that can white list inbound email
> >  based upon the addresses of emails that have been sent?
> > This simple 7 line bash script does the trick superbly on Debian. Thus > it
>  should work fine on Ubuntu as well.
> > http://www.hardwarefreak.com/whtlst_gen.sh.txt > > Drop it in an executable search path, then do a chmod +x and follow the
>  instructions in the file.

 Nice. But if you're running a multi-tennant system, you'll need a way
 to map sender/recipient pairs to the inbound.  We do that with a
 postfix policy server that hooks into the END-OF-MESSAGE stage, which
 will provide the SASL authenticated user, and the smtp-envelope
 recipient (there are problems with multi-recipients that you have to
 work out).  Feed this into something like
 http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/ManualWhitelist and you're good to

As the comments state:
# Postfix quick/dirty auto whitelisting script
:) That said, with an NFS share it'd be absolutely trivial to modify this script for a split multi MX/outbound environment, and not much more difficult without NFS. In the latter case, in short, each outbound node would run the first line of this current script, each writing a different temp file name, and scp it to $MX. $MX would run the rest of this script, with line 2 cat'ing out all the temp files. $MX would then scp 'auto-whtlst' to the other MXen. Pretty straightforward.


I´ve thought on something similar in couple of days. You do not mind if a use whtlist.sh and make any modification to it.

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