I'm using sender_bcc maps to archive/backup sent mail.  Config
extracts below.  It does work, but is creating duplicates when mail
is sent from clients other than localhost.  IE if I send mail using
mutt on the postfix server machine, no duplicate is created.  If
I send mail using Thunderbird on a workstation, there are duplicates
of all sent mail in the gzipped file (eg in ~/Sent_1109.gz).  There
is only one copy of the mail in Thunderbird's Sent folder, though.

The Thunderbird/iPhone clients connect using STARTTLS normal
password, mailbox format on server is Maildir with dovecot IMAP SSL

When I say they're duplicates, I mean that in every respect.  All
headers - Message-ID, dates and times, everything.

Any ideas or thoughts?  Not sure if it's to do with delivery,
authentication, or something else.  I can post more config extracts
if you need/ask.

sender_bcc_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/sender_bcc_pcre
if !/^(archive.*|copier|fetchmail|root|.+_sent)@ourdomain\.com\.au$/
/^(.+)@ourdomain\.com\.au$/ ${1}_sent@netserv.ourdomain.local
* ^X-Original-To:.*_sent@netserv\.ourdomain\.local
| gzip -fc9 >> ${HOME}/Sent_${DATE}.gz

Troy Piggins

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