Hi all,


I want  to configure automatic message but different one for different user.
As I am not using MySQL in my postfix configuration and installation I
didn't use any other plug-in that may use MySQl too. I am using shell script
that handles sending mail (from ,to and subject)  with some changes in
postfix configuration as follows:


In main.cf

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual


in /etc/postfix/virtual


t...@myserver.com       t...@myserver.com

mem...@tech-vm.com     mem...@tech-vm.com


in etc/postfix/transport

autoreply.myserver.com  autoreply:

autoreply.tech-vm.com  autoreply:


in master.cf


autoreply       unix    -       n       n       -       -       pipe

flags= user=vmail argv=/etc/postfix/scripts/autoreply ${sender} ${mailbox}


it's working fine with one account but when using two account postfix keeps
calling script even if I just send one mail to the auto respond mail . I
checked the script and no loop would cause this behavior . 


Any one has suggestion for this issue



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